Thursday, August 06, 2009

A Gamble to Ramble [Disclaimer: Yeah, it's a buncha bs.]

Bear with me because I have a lot of thoughts, feelings, and ideas to share throughout and they may not coincide consistently.

What is happiness? By definition it is the state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. There is a scale there, between contentment and intense joy. I'd imagine that several things would fall in between. But, I'd say that after intense joy, one more follows... love. I don't believe to find happiness you must first find love, but to find love you must first find happiness.

To fight for love is of petty tasks... it is our nature, it is instinct. All of the woes to be endured throughout the state of love will be paid back in full in the end. No feeling in life holds even a glimmer of light next to love. My tongue delivers words all the more swiftly and heart all the more fonder when in love. There is nothing more intimate to be shared than the knowledge of love between two.

The one thing we cannot figure out, nor ever will, love. The foundation on which a lifetime can be built, love. Do I speak with stars in my eyes? So be it. It is not young to speak of love with candor. I have been struck. I am struck. Struck down to the core of my being to lavish my love before it has become dull and jaded.

See, I want to offer something. To take is to take, but to give is to have. I want to make a copy of my key to happiness for... love, love, love.