Sunday, December 13, 2009

What Is Not, But Could Be If...

It isn't that I lack thoughts or ideas to share, simply, the motivation to sit here and type what those things are. After succeeding that hurdle there looms another... this is a massive stage to take via the world wide web. That goes to say - not that it is a privilege, but more of an opportunity to disclose the tiny moments I experience and document mentally every day... to anyone willing to spare the time, and humor me on the mundanity that I find rather entertaining.

Time is life's great mocker. It seems to pass so slowly, yet go by so quickly. You wait and wait and wait and then BAM! It's come and gone. Whatever you are waiting for to come and go, that is. The older I get, the faster the world is spinning and the quicker that time is passing. When I was young I only desired to be older. I'm certain the older I get, the younger I will long to be. We are never satisfied nor gratified, eh? I think for me it is finding contentment at whatever place I am, doing whatever it is I am doing, investing in whatever proves fruitful.

So much things to say, right Bob? I found that going into the 'holiday season' I am in a reflective state. My thoughts have honed in on future education, career, the serious side of life. This is not where my thoughts generally shape. It has felt a bit like my spirits have dimmed and meloncholly has set in... but I know better. My mind has found it's responsibility to discern and decide what I want for my future. I want to GO PLACES! Figuratively and literally. :)

I'm going to shut myself up. In parting, let me say - it didn't take long for me to see that life is what you make of it. And your life should speak volumes about who you are and what you do. Give yourself the ability to live out what you dream. Opportunities are to make, and take.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep posting stuff like this i really like it