Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Winter Ways Compilation (part 1)

Here are some tunes that I believe will get you right on these winter days. Starting with an icy cool, this collection of songs will leave you warm by the end. Endure the season. Cheers.

Beach House - Silver Soul

Beach House - Silver Soul .mp3

Found at bee mp3 search engine


Canoodle - Undertone


Cashes Rivers - As I Drift


Damien Jurado - Go First

Damien Jurado - Go First .mp3

Found at bee mp3 search engine


Goodnight Owl - Maps and Compasses


Iron Horse - Interstate 8


Local Natives - Sticky Thread


Oberhofer - Dead Girls Dance

Oberhofer - Dead Girls Dance .mp3

Found at bee mp3 search engine


Oh No Oh My - Walking Into Me

Oh No Oh My - Walking Into Me .mp3

Found at bee mp3 search engine


Parlovr - Pen to Paper

PARLOVR - Pen to the Paper .mp3

Found at bee mp3 search engine


School of Seven Bells - Half Asleep

School of Seven Bells - Half Asleep .mp3

Found at bee mp3 search engine


Wintermitts - Schoolyard


Tokyo Police Club - Citizens of Tomorrow

Tokyo Police Club - Citizens of Tomorrow .mp3

Found at bee mp3 search engine


Monday, January 25, 2010

Motivation; Can't Make Me Suffer, Just Makes Me Stronger and Makes Me Tougher

Things get bottled up. Not that I'm trying to save or hold onto them, it just happens. All the anger, hurt, discouragement, disappointment, regret, remorse, I can muster IS my motivation. I am going to apply every ounce of the negative energy I have to succeed in racing. Things are more complex than that? Nah. Not for me. Everybody needs an outlet. This is what I am choosing. It would be pompous to assume I would blow the competition away, but it would be cowardice to rule out the attempt. I'm going for it.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Let the Chips Fall Where They May

I walked into the grocery store the other day and began the hunt for the essentials... tomato basil hummus and Wheat Thins primarily. I made my way down the cracker aisle and stood in contemplation over which flavor to choose. I indecisively picked a box up, only to sit it back down to continue my search. As I was just about to grab the winning variety, (Cracked Black Pepper & Olive Oil :), a woman zoomed by me with her cart missing me by a hair. I then realized how out of touch most society is with, well, society. We live lives detached from one another. The majority of people I come into contact with do not reciprocate greetings or appreciation. Everyone wants to be left the hell alone, right? Wrong! We would be some awfully lonely people if everyone left us alone as much as we wanted.
I'm not taking the peace, love, earth child stance on the matter, just saying I think as a community folks ought to be a little more approachable. If I see you in the super market and don't know you, I'm probably not going to walk up and introduce myself... but I certainly wouldn't barrel through like I own the place with no regard for others. A simple "excuse me" always suffices. It would be nice to see a smile.

So, I say, quit being such a humdrum. Don't be such a sour puss. Turn that frown upside down. Be VULNERABLE. Show you have emotions aside from jumping up and down screaming at a television screen with a college basketball game on. The picture is a lot bigger than that. Ultimately how you treat others is how you are perceived. Even the smallest conscious effort to brighten someone's day makes a world of difference. Thanking the cashier, who has been at her cash register for 10 solid hours and dealt with Billy Bob who complained he could get his potatoes $1.00 cheaper at Wal-Mart, will most likely be a little positive boost. Little things can affect in big ways. When we become disconnected and distant from one another as a community, we lose foundation for growth... in every way possible.

When all things are relevant with nothing left to say, let the chips fall, let the chips fall where they may.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

What Is Not, But Could Be If...

It isn't that I lack thoughts or ideas to share, simply, the motivation to sit here and type what those things are. After succeeding that hurdle there looms another... this is a massive stage to take via the world wide web. That goes to say - not that it is a privilege, but more of an opportunity to disclose the tiny moments I experience and document mentally every day... to anyone willing to spare the time, and humor me on the mundanity that I find rather entertaining.

Time is life's great mocker. It seems to pass so slowly, yet go by so quickly. You wait and wait and wait and then BAM! It's come and gone. Whatever you are waiting for to come and go, that is. The older I get, the faster the world is spinning and the quicker that time is passing. When I was young I only desired to be older. I'm certain the older I get, the younger I will long to be. We are never satisfied nor gratified, eh? I think for me it is finding contentment at whatever place I am, doing whatever it is I am doing, investing in whatever proves fruitful.

So much things to say, right Bob? I found that going into the 'holiday season' I am in a reflective state. My thoughts have honed in on future education, career, the serious side of life. This is not where my thoughts generally shape. It has felt a bit like my spirits have dimmed and meloncholly has set in... but I know better. My mind has found it's responsibility to discern and decide what I want for my future. I want to GO PLACES! Figuratively and literally. :)

I'm going to shut myself up. In parting, let me say - it didn't take long for me to see that life is what you make of it. And your life should speak volumes about who you are and what you do. Give yourself the ability to live out what you dream. Opportunities are to make, and take.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Piece of Humble Pie ; What Lies Beneath the Crust

When confidence merges with arrogance, and teach-ability with ignorance... sit down, grab a plate, and dig on into a big ole piece of humble pie.

Find humility before it finds you.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Pinch 'Em Tight }{ Trail Kicked My Tail

I made my way to Red River Gorge yesterday. Fall is hands down my favorite season, thus, hiking and anything outdoors is stellar for me in the fall. Leaves around here are just changing and there's an awful lot of 'em still hanging around. Just a few steps into our trek I could tell that it was going to be especially scenic.
We opted for the Pinch 'Em Tight territory for me. I suppose I've hit or crossed it at certain points, but I was unfamiliar. Couple miles of rough trail, pretty good stuff. Headed toward Gray's Arch...the trail became a roller coaster around this time. I typically let my legs carry me at whatever speed the hill suggests, which made for some fast descending. Inclines would span over a hundred yards, and steep enough to ski a shoe or two for a few feet. Feeling a little sore from it already.
Of course rain, being the punctual and mobilized friend it is, provided showers for us. (Anyone sick of East coast rain yet? ME!) Those awesome downhill spans I referenced? Yeah, well if you don't do the entire loop, you gotta climb those suckers on the way back. I felt like a machine hiking back up...not necessarily because of sufficiency, but because my legs were robot-like, adapting back to a task they have completed often times before.
A ways into it, common conversation turned to foot patter. No talking. That's when it gets really good, ya know? That kind of hike motivates the kind of thoughts that will render you silent. I spent a lot of the time thinking. Decided during that I will be heading out to Colorado end of November for a great adventure with Rob III.
Forgot my water bottle, that was a big, DUMB bummer. Everything else was good times. Go for a hike! It's good for you. Trail running > Hiking < Mountain Biking ... that's right :)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The tobacco is all topped. The leaves are letting go. What's up, Fall?

I want this bicycle, and this bicycle definitely wants me...