Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Jim & The Jacket

In a world filled mostly with less than mediocre music and swamped with talentless compositions, Jim James, Two-Tone Tommy, Patrick Hallahan, Bo Koster, and Carl Broemel make up the ever epic band... MY MORNING JACKET.

I have become completely smitten with this band, as will you. My Morning Jacket was introduced to me a couple of years ago by a friend who obviously has a taste for good music. Upon hearing what would be my first experience of MMJ, my finger hit play and "One Big Holiday" began bellowing out of the speakers. I caught myself nodding my head and tapping my toes. This ballad had struck my senses. It had captivated my thoughts. Sound dramatic? Well, it was. I began to search out every song I could. Listening to them over and over. Memorizing every lyric, every skat. Mimicking each strum on the guitar, beat on the drum, and stroke of the keys.
Aside from each band member being a musical genius, lyrical brilliance is apart of the equation that makes them so terrific. Most of their songs require a good one or two over before quite understanding the underlying meaning or story being told. Jim James has a bewitching tone and voice that will swoon in an instant. If you're one to buy into vibes, as I am, then you will only detect positivity and elegant groove. The songs range from amazing jam sessions to low-key ballads of romance.

I must admit that their hail from Louisville contributes slightly to their appeal, at least to me, but that is just the icing on the cake. Hometown boys with a good sense of southern rock and soul. If you enjoy tantalizing rifts, hearty drumming, stunning vocals, and dexterous showmanship, then you simply must dive head first into the music of My Morning Jacket.

Right now the band is laying low in the midst of recording their new album. (If this new album is as good as "Z", their most recent album, then we are in for a treat). Unfortunately that doesn't leave them with much time to do shows... mainly unfortunate for me because I have yet to see them! I am hoping for maybe a surprise New Years show, but we will see what they have up their sleeve.

Check out My Morning Jacket. You will not be disappointed, I promise.


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